HC Deb 27 November 1941 vol 376 cc876-7
30. Mr. Tinker

asked the Minister of Health the number of old age pensioners who are getting supplementary pensions; the approximate annual cost and-the total number of persons who are in receipt of old age pensions, both contributory and non-contributory?

Mr. E. Brown

As the reply involves a number of figures, I will, with permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the reply:

The figures asked for are approximately as set out below:

No. of Recipients. Annual Cost.
Supplementary pensions 1,340,000 £27,500,000
Old age pensions—
(a) Contributory—under 70 1,230,000 £32,000,000
(b) Contributory—70 and over 1,450,000 £37,600,000
(c) Non-contributory 510,000 £13,120,000
(d) Total 3,190,000 £82,720,000

The above figures are for the whole of Great Britain.

31. Mr. Tinker

asked the Minister of Health how many persons are engaged on the task of inquiring, examining and determining the claims of the supplementary old age pensions; and the approximate annual cost for this work to be done?

Mr. Brown

The staff of the Assistance Board is employed in the administration of supplementary pensions in common with a number of other duties such as unemployment assistance and war damage payments. An estimate is being made of the approximate proportion and cost of staff attributable to supplementary pensions alone, and when it is obtained I will communicate with my hon. Friend.

Mr. Tinker

Will the right hon. Gentleman arrange for it to be put into the OFFICIAL REPORT?

Mr. Brown

Yes, Sir.

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