HC Deb 26 November 1941 vol 376 cc747-8
47. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he will consider increasing the tea and sugar rations for elderly night-watchmen and similar workers, for whom canteens are not available?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food (Major Lloyd George)

Arrangements are already in operation whereby employers can obtain extra allowances of tea for consumption by employees on duty who have no access to canteens. I, therefore, see no reason to suppose that tea is not available in the cases to which my hon. Friend alludes. The sugar ration has just been increased and I do not consider that a further allowance is required.

Mr. Sorensen

Has this information gone out to the various local authorities and others who are concerned, because some complaints have been brought to my attention by the men affected?

Major Lloyd George

I could not say whether the information has gone to all those who are concerned, but I think they know of this, because we have had very few complaints. If the hon. Member has any special cases will he let me know about them?

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