HC Deb 26 November 1941 vol 376 cc753-4
61. Mr. G. Strauss

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether consideration was given to the urgent needs of Soviet Russia for sugar, when the decision was made to increase the sugar ration?

63. Mr. Parker

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, in view of the widespread feeling in the country that all possible help should be given to Russia, he will withdraw the proposed increase in the sugar ration and divert the shipping thus made available to sending supplies to Russia?

Major Lloyd George

A favourable supply position has been built up in the United Kingdom which has made it possible to increase the sugar ration without prejudice to the very substantial help that is being given to Russia. My Noble Friend has already stated that if the maintenance of the increased ration should at any time prove to be inconsistent with the continuance of full aid to Russia, the position would be reviewed.

Mr. McKinlay

Is my right hon. and gallant Friend aware that industrial canteens are now receiving three times the supply of sugar which they received before the increase was granted, that one canteen in Glasgow where the allocation was 56 lbs. now receives 156 lbs., and will he take steps to see that that sugar is taken away from them because it is not needed?

Major Lloyd George

Certainly not. It is all very well to speak of an increase from. 56 lbs. to 1½ cwt., but the proper way to look at the picture is to consider the personal allowance, which is now three-tenths of an ounce instead of one-tenth. It has been given purposely, because we consider that people in heavy industries need extra sugar, and it is very gladly given.