HC Deb 20 November 1941 vol 376 c446
31. Mr. James Griffiths

asked the Minister of Health the increase in the incidence of tuberculosis among women in the last 12 months as compared with the pre-war period; whether the increase is pronounced in any age-group; and whether he is taking any special measures to deal with the problem?

Mr. E. Brown

The latest available figures comparable with pre-war years are those for 1940, when mortality among women from all forms of tuberculosis showed an increase of 11 per cent. over 1939. The highest incidence was in the age group 20–24, where the increase was 18 per cent. I have arranged, with the co-operation of the Medical Research Council, for an expert investigation as to the possible causes of increase. Everything possible is being done to maintain the tuberculosis service.

Mr. Rhys Davies

When can we hope to get the Report of the right hon. Gentleman's Department which will include these figures?

Mr. Brown

We are preparing it as rapidly as we can.