HC Deb 20 November 1941 vol 376 cc441-2
28. Mr. Lipson

asked the Minister of Health why billeting officers in reception areas are instructed to stop the billeting allowances for the wives and children of men who are called up to serve in His Majesty's Forces, on the grounds that the men are considered to be living with their wives, when in fact they are not, while the wives and children of factory workers, earning high wages and living away from their wives, continue to receive them; and is he aware that, as a result of this discrimination against the wives of men in the Forces, many of them are returning with their children to the more dangerous areas from which they had been evacuated?

Mr. E. Brown

Billeting allowances are payable only to resident occupiers of houses and not to persons for whom they provide accommodation. These allowances are not withdrawn as suggested in the case of wives and children of men serving in His Majesty's Fortes, but in so far as the family has been relieved of home liabilities a contribution towards the cost of billeting has been recovered according to their means. I am not aware that this arrangement has resulted in the return of many of these people, but in any case I am now reviewing it in connection with the revised method of assessing war service grants.

Mr. Lipson

Will my right hon. Friend withdraw Circular 2234, which instructs billeting officers to recover from wives of serving men the amount paid?

Mr. Brown

I cannot promise that, but as I have pointed out, the matter is being reviewed.

36. Sir Robert Young

asked the Minister of Health whether he will explain the machinery which exists for the recovery of contributions in payment of billeting costs; whether on a husband joining his wife or family in a reception area billeting allowances are ended; and, if so, the amount of the sum recovered and the number of cases in which allowances have terminated?

Mr. Brown

I am sending my hon. Friend a copy of a circular (No. 2408) which deals with the question of recovery in the case he has in mind. The principle underlying the payment of billeting allowances in respect of evacuated women and children is that a family which is split by reason of evacuation should not have to pay two rents. When the father joins the family permanently, this position no longer obtains and the billeting allowance is then normally withdrawn. As the allowance ceases, no question of recovery arises. I regret that information is not available in regard to the points raised in the last part of the Question.

Sir R. Young

Are steps taken to prevent hardships in relation to these recoveries?

Mr. Brown

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Lipson

Will the circular provide for care to be taken to meet the additional expense of living in another town?

Mr. Brown

If my hon. Friend would like further details of the arrangements, I will send him a copy of the circular issued as recently as 16th June.