HC Deb 11 November 1941 vol 374 cc2011-2
1. Mr. T. Smith

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he has any statement to make on the coal situation?

The Secretary for Mines (Mr. David Grenfell)

My hon. Friend has no doubt seen the full statement on the coal situation made on behalf of the Government in another place on 1st October. There is little in the way of detailed information that I can properly add at present. The steps taken to increase production and to reduce consumption, then reported, have continued throughout the month and we start the winter with distributed stocks appreciably larger than a year ago. But there is no room for complacency: when all possible economies have been made in the consumption of fuel, power and light, our coal needs this winter will still be greater than last winter and if we are to avoid a repetition of last winter's local shortages we must press steadily on to win more coal and to see that transport is available to distribute it.

Mr. Smith

Will my hon. Friend say how near we have got to the target of production for which we set out; and, secondly, will the situation necessitate any rationing of household coal for the winter?

Mr. Grenfell

In answer to the last part of the Question, I do not anticipate that we are very near to the point when we must ration coal, and I hope it will not be necessary at all. With regard to the other part of the Question, we have not reached the target figure, which was put forward with the idea that more men would be available than has already been the case. Production has been rising steadily in the last few weeks, and I think it is not now quite so much a question of production as of adequate transport.