§ 70. Mr. Evelyn Walkdenasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he can announce the actual yield of liquid milk for the month of April obtained from the milk distributors by the operation of the Milk Restriction Order; and the computed percentage of milk so acquired as compared with the aggregate amount of available fresh milk during the same period?
§ 71. Mr. Walkdenasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he can announce the number of protests received by his Department against the methods of operating the Limitation of Milk Supplies Order; whether he has considered a protest from a trade union representing 229,000 organised distributive workers demanding that a full rationing scheme should be immediately introduced that will ensure 1989 equality of sacrifice by all consumers and give every person an adequate supply; and whether he proposes to announce a new scheme forthwith?
Major Lloyd GeorgeThe answer to the first part of the Question is in the negative. As regards the second part, a letter on the subject has recently been received from the National Union of Distributive and Allied Workers, and a reply has been sent. In answer to the third part of the Question, all possible methods of restricting milk consumption are being actively examined, but I am unable to make any immediate statement.
§ Mr. WalkdenIs my hon. and gallant Friend aware that scores of retailers in the North of England are ignoring altogether the limitation Order, and is his Department prepared to take any action in these towns where the Order is being ignored?
Major Lloyd GeorgeCertainly, and I would be glad if the hon. Gentleman would communicate with me if he has any information.