HC Deb 28 May 1941 vol 371 cc1859-60
65. Mr. Horabin

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is in a position to make a statement on the reorganisation of the Ministry of Food?

66. Sir Irving Albery

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what salaries and expenses, if any, are to be paid to the food directors recently appointed; and if any of these gentlemen remain actively engaged in trade?

Major Lloyd George

There has been no comprehensive reorganisation of the Ministry of Food, and its general structure has not been changed. There has been an internal reorganisation in the Supply Department, which is directed to make the best use of the man-power available. The officers referred to have been serving the Ministry for some time, the majority having joined the staff on the outbreak of war. Most of them are serving without remuneration and receive a small allowance for expenses. They are not actively engaged in trade. The recent reorganisation of the Supply Department does not involve any change in the remuneration of any of the officers concerned, and no new appointments have been made.

Sir I. Albery

May I draw the hon. and gallant Gentleman's attention to the fact that he has not answered my Question, which asked him what salaries and expenses, if any, are paid to the food directors recently appointed, and whether any of them remain actively engaged in trade?

Major Lloyd George

I said that they are not actively engaged in trade.

Sir I. Albery

The hon. and gallant Gentleman has not answered the Question about salaries or expenses.

Major Lloyd George

Most of them receive no salary, but receive a small amount in expenses.

Sir I. Albery

That is not an answer to the Question.

Major Lloyd George

I agree that it is not a detailed reply, and I will look into the point.

Mr. Shinwell

Are these people who are without salaries and expenses not actively engaged in the trade?

Major Lloyd George

They are not actively engaged in the trade.

Mr. McKinlay

May I ask how many of the persons concerned are associated with the trade?