HC Deb 27 May 1941 vol 371 c1704
41. Mr. Brooke

asked the Home Secretary whether he can make any statement about the steps taken by the South-West Regional Commissioner, to facilitate action on a regional basis after air-raids, by arranging for joint committees, co-ordinating a number of local government areas; whether similar joint committees have yet been established in other regions; or, if not, whether he has received assurance from each of the other regional com missioners that existing local government machinery is adequate to deal with all problems of homelessness, billeting, feeding, etc., which may be expected to arise in the districts surrounding any town liable to heavy air attack.

The Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Home Security (Miss Wilkinson)

My right hon. Friend proposes to make a full statement on regional and local planning for after-raid problems in the course of an early debate on Civil Defence.

Captain Lyons

Will the statement include machinery whereby Members who represent areas that have been attacked may be informed of that fact at the earliest possible moment?

Miss Wilkinson

The Debate will take in all aspects of the matter.