HC Deb 20 May 1941 vol 371 cc1403-4
Mr. Lees-Smith

Has the Prime Minister any statement to make about Business?

The Prime Minister

In announcing the Business on Thursday I informed the House that we desired to pass the Fire Services Bill through all its stages to-day on grounds of urgency. The second Motion on the Order Paper will facilitate that proceeding. It is also necessary for us to obtain the remaining stages of the Allied Powers (Maritime Courts) Bill today. Both these Measures are connected with the war effort. The organisation of the fire service is required to defeat what is at present the most dangerous feature of the enemy's aerial attack; and the Allied Powers (Maritime Courts) Bill is required so that we may secure the maximum use of Allied shipping in waging the Battle of the Atlantic. The Government consider that it is important that these Bills should receive the Royal Assent without delay, and we desire to pass them to-day so that they may be sent to another place for consideration. We are, therefore, proposing a Motion to extend the hours of Sitting in case more time should be required, but we hope that hon. Members in all parts will cooperate to conclude the urgent Business, without forcing the House to sit to a very late hour.

Sir Percy Harris

Can the Prime Minister make any statement about what progress can be made on the Liabilities (War-Time Adjustment) Bill?

The Prime Minister

Whenever there is a break in the Business, that Bill will be pushed forward. We are most anxious to bring it forward.

Ordered, That the Proceedings on Government Business be exempted at this day's Sitting, from the provisions of the Standing Order (Sittings of the House)

Ordered, That if the Fire Services (Emergency Provisions) Bill be committed to a Committee of the Whole House further proceeding on the Bill shall stand postponed; that any Resolution come to by the Committee on Fire Services (Emergency Provisions) [Money] may be considered this day as soon as it is reported from the Committee notwithstanding the practice of the House relating to the interval between consideration in Committee and on Report of such a Resolution; and that as soon as the proceedings on Report of the Resolution have been concluded the House will immediately resolve itself into a Committee on the Bill." — [The Prime Minister.]