HC Deb 14 May 1941 vol 371 cc1200-1
31. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport whether he is aware that prices for used motor cars have risen in some cases 35 per cent. above makers' list prices; that the motor trade admit this is due primarily to speculation in anticipation of future demand; and whether, as this may lead to the payment of war damage compensation based on inflated values, he will reconsider introducing some control of prices for used motor cars?

Colonel Llewellin

There have, of course, been cases in which purchasers of second-hand cars have been prepared to buy them at prices considerably above makers' list prices. I am not aware of what my hon. Friend suggests in the second part of his Question. In regard to the third part, I have nothing to add to what my right hon. and gallant Friend, now the Minister of Aircraft Production, said in answer to a similar Question by my hon. Friend on 9th April.

Mr. Sorensen

Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that from the motor trade itself, as well as from elsewhere, there is a very strong demand for some kind of control of prices for used motor cars; and that it is held to be possible to surmount the difficulties of which he is no doubt aware?

Colonel Llewellin

It is rather difficult, because some people use their cars so much more than others. The value of used cars, even in their second year, is not the same, because of differences in the amount of use and in the manner of driving them.

Mr. Sorensen

Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that the motor trade are thoroughly familiar with those

London Passenger Transport Board.
22nd May, 1933. At present.
£ £
Lord Ashfield 12,500 12,500
Mr. Frank Pick 10,000 Appointment expired 17.5.40.
Mr. John Cliff 750† 3,000*
Sir Henry Maybury 750† 750†
Mr. P. Ashley Cooper 750† 750†
Sir J. W. Gilbert 750† Died 22.12.34.
Mr. Charles Latham 750† Appointed 21.1.35.
Sir E. J. Holland 750† Appointment expired 17.5.39.
Col. Forrester Clayton 750† Appointed 18.5.39.
* Appointed full-time member 4.2.35 at £1,500; increased to £3,000 from 1.5.40 when, consequent upon the retirement of Mr. Pick, Mr. Cliff undertook additional duties as Head of the Staff and Staff Welfare Department with the title of "Executive Officer for Staff and Staff Welfare."
† Part-time members.