§ 68. Mr. Sorensenasked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that some small local authorities are apprehensive of their future financial position relative to the General Exchequer Contribution; and whether he will accept the principle that capitation sums set aside out of county council apportionments shall be based upon the Registrar-General's mid-1939 Population Estimates as likely to show more fairly the probable permanent population movement?
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health (Miss Horsburgh)The war has resulted in such a displacement of population that for this reason alone the recalculation of block grants which would normally have been undertaken this year is out of the question. My right hon. Friend has under consideration the introduction of legislation to secure that, during the war, every local authority will continue to receive the same grant as it is receiving this year. All the associations of local authorities in England and Wales agree to this course.
§ Mr. SorensenWill the hon. Lady bear in mind the desire on the part of at least some of the small local authorities that the mid-1939 Population Estimates should be made the population standards for the future in this respect?
§ Miss HorsbrughThey would not be the population standards necessarily for this year or for next year, with the displacement of population.