HC Deb 14 May 1941 vol 371 c1203
34. Captain John Dugdale

asked the Minister of Information the number of films produced under the auspices of his Department shown to the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, respectively, during the past month?

The Minister of Information (Mr. Duff Cooper)

The showing is under the control of the Service Departments, and I have no records. During the last month the Film Library of the Ministry of Information has lent 269 copies of films to the War Office, 20 to the Admiralty, and 90 to the Air Ministry, each of which will have been shown a minimum of three times and a maximum of perhaps a dozen times, before being returned. In addition, the Army owns 101 copies, the Navy 69, and the Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes 18 copies of films obtained from the Ministry; but I have no information how often they are shown.

Captain Dugdale

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that many units are informed that, as the War Office refuse to pay for such films, they cannot be shown to them; and that therefore many units are deprived of the opportunity of seeing the films?

Mr. Cooper

As far as I am aware, those units are misinformed.

Mr. Sorensen

Have all of those films been produced in this country?

Mr. Cooper

Yes, Sir.

Captain Dugdale

Will the right hon. Gentleman make it perfectly clear that, in fact, these films are available for these units?

Mr. Cooper

I will do my best.