HC Deb 08 May 1941 vol 371 cc965-6
39. Mr. Lipson

asked the Home Secretary whether he has seen the unanimous statement of the Council of Ministers of the Polish Government that the activities of "Jestem Polakiem" are harmful to the British cause and should be condemned; and will he take steps to ban the publication of this paper, seeing that what injures the Polish cause must also injure Britain's?

Mr. H. Morrison

The powers under the Defence Regulations to exercise control over newspapers can be exercised only where I am satisfied that there has been a systematic publication of matter which is, in my opinion, calculated to foment opposition to the prosecution of the war to a successful issue. After consultation with my right hon. Friends the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Information, I have come to the conclusion that I should not be justified, at any rate on the information before me at present, in taking action in respect of this publication.

Mr. Lipson

Would my right hon. Friend give further consideration to this matter, in view of the fact that the activity of this paper has been commended in the Nazi Press and that it is being freely circulated among the Polish serving men in this country?

Mr. Morrison

I will continue to keep the matter under review. The behaviour of the publication will be watched.

Mr. Rhys Davies

Can the right hon. Gentleman make representations to the Polish authorities in this country that they should try to induce this paper to drop its anti-Jewish propaganda?

Mr. Morrison

The matter has already been under consideration by the Polish authorities, and it would appear that the action which the hon. Member now suggests has already been taken.

Mr. Mander

Would it not be better to treat this paper with the contempt it deserves, and not give it too much publicity?

Hon. Members
