§ 36. Mr. Mathersasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what quantitiy of sugar was used for brewing purposes in the year ended September, 1940; and how does the percentage this represents of sugar normally used for brewing compare with the reduction imposed upon the use of sugar for confectionery and other manufactures?
Major Lloyd GeorgeThe year ended 30th September, 1940, included a period when sugar was not rationed, a period when sugar was allocated to the brewing industry on the basis of 70 per cent. of pre-war usage and a period when the percentage allocation was 60 per cent. The figures of sugar usage for that year would accordingly be misleading. The brewing industry is now rationed to 60 per cent, of its pre-war sugar usage; this compares with a percentage allocation of 60 per cent. to the chocolate industry and 50 per cent. to the sugar confectionery industry.