HC Deb 25 March 1941 vol 370 cc411-2
18. Mr. Scott

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will consider the issue, either free or at cost price, of a badge of standard pattern for the use of all ranks of the Home Guard when in civilian dress?

Captain Margesson

The proposal to make available to members of the Home Guard a badge of approved design to be worn with civilian clothes has been carefully considered by my Department in consultation with the Ministry of Supply, but it was reluctantly decided that the manufacture of such a badge could not be justified in present circumstances in view of the need for conserving metal supplies.

21. Sir Herbert Williams

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is proposing to take steps to set up a medical organisation for the Home Guard?

Captain Margesson

Yes, Sir. After consultation with the Central Medical War Committee, it has been decided to appoint an officer with the rank of major to each Home Guard battalion to act as medical adviser to the battalion commander. Medical officers will be non-combatant members of the Home Guard. They will, however, be liable to be called upon for duty in the same way as other members of the Home Guard and will be eligible for the same allowances and financial benefits. In order to avoid interference with local medical facilities, candidates for these appointments must obtain the permission of the local medical war committee, and one of their duties after appointment will be to co-ordinate the available local facilities with the needs of Home Guard units. They will also be responsible for the training of stretcher-bearer squads which it is proposed to establish in Home Guard units together with the requisite number of medical orderlies for employment at aid posts. The organisation of these squads, whose members will retain their normal liabilities as combatant members of the Home Guard, will vary according to the requirements of individual units.

Sir Francis Fremantle

Will this organisation be definitely under the local commanders of the Army Medical Service and really be working in with them as well as with the civilians?

Captain Margesson

This plan was all co-ordinated after consultation with the Central Medical War Committee.