HC Deb 19 March 1941 vol 370 c137
4. Mr. Martin

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can give any information on the numbers of German personnel now in French North Africa and the avocations in which they are known to be engaged?

Mr. Butler

Delegations. of the German Armistice Commission are established in Algeria, Tunis and in the French zone of Morocco. The delegation which has recently been sent to Casablanca is said to consist of about 60 men. These include members of the German army, navy and air force, and it may be assumed that technical experts of various kinds are also included. No details are available of the numbers of the German Commissions elsewhere in North Africa. Their ostensible, though not, I am sure, their only, object is to supervise the execution of the Armistice terms.

Mr. Martin

Are the Government prepared to take further action in this matter?

Mr. Butler

We are watching the situation very closely, as it develops.