HC Deb 05 March 1941 vol 369 c893
8. Mr. Gallacher

asked the Minister of Information whether the statement contained in a recent memorandum issued by the Ministry as part of the British Empire publicity campaign, under the title of "Talking Points on India," namely, that nepotism is a vice to us, a virtue to Indians, represents the considered opinion of the Ministry?

The Minister of Information(Mr. Duff Cooper)

The statement in question occurs in some condensed notes intended for the use of platform speakers. If read in its context and with this fact in mind, it will be clearly seen not to carry any such derogatory implications as the hon. Member's Question would seem to imply.

Mr. Gallacher

Is the Minister not aware that the definite statement that nepotism is a vice in this country and a virtue in India, cannot possibly have anything other than a derogatory sense?

Mr. Cooper

If the hon. Gentleman considers the problem, I think he will see that nepotism, like many other vices, is an exaggeration of a good trait in human nature. We all agree that it is a good thing to be kind to the family, but, like other good things, when it is practised to excess it becomes a vice.

Mr. Granville

Is not Communism a virtue in Russia and a vice in this country?

Viscountess Astor

It is a menace everywhere.