§ 15. Mr. R. Gibsonasked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that straw in Scotland was sold around 15s. per ton before the war; that it is urgently needed now for the manufacture of substitute esparto paper in Scotland, but that supplies for that purpose are not being made available because farmers are holding the straw for a price of £5 per ton; and what steps he proposes to take to end this profiteering?
Mr. JohnstonWithout further specification I would prefer not to comment upon my hon. and learned Friend's comparison of prices of straw. He will no doubt be aware that a large proportion of the straw produced in Scotland is required for agricultural purposes. I understand that there has been some difficulty in the supply of material for paper-making and I am in communication with my right hon. Friend the Minister of Supply on the subject.
§ Mr. GibsonWill my right hon. Friend keep in view this fact, that workers in the paper-making industry are being thrown out of employment through the holding-back of the supplies? Will he take steps to see that the workers in this industry in Scotland are not made scapegoats for the depredations on the farmers by the bankers, as alleged in this House?
Mr, JohnstonI can only repeat that I am in communication with the Ministry of Supply on the subject and that I propose, after communications have been held, to write to my hon. and learned Friend.
§ Mr. MathersIs my right hon. Friend aware that there is some surplus straw in Scotland that could be used for paper making but that is being withheld from the paper-makers through farmers not being willing to accept the English figures of 65s. and 70s. a ton for the straw? Is he aware that we are thereby losing a tremendous opportunity of exporting paper and that workers in the paper mills in my constituency are working only two days a week?
Mr. JohnstonIf my hon. Friend has any specific information of that kind, I shall be glad to have it.
§ Mr. GibsonDid my right hon. Friend look into the information which I sent him on this subject?