HC Deb 25 June 1941 vol 372 cc1046-7
48. Mr. Lipson

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he can now indicate his proposals for the control of the price of fish?

53. Mr. Barnes

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is now in a position to announce controlled and reduced prices for fish?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food (Major Lloyd George)

An Order prescribing maximum prices from producer to consumer will be made this week, to come into operation on Monday, 30th June The prices prescribed will be on a substantially lower level at each stage of distribution than those now ruling.

Mr. Lipson

Were those prices arrived at in agreement with all the parties concerned?

Major Lloyd George

My hon. Friend will "remember that my Noble Friend was not satisfied with the prices put forward by the trade. The present prices are prescribed by him. The Order will be published this week.

Mr. Robertson

Has the Minister the power to requisition steam trawlers? If so, will he consider requisitioning the entire steam trawler fleet to fish for the State under the management of a panel of experienced trawler owners?

Major Lloyd George

My Noble Friend has such power, and, if the necessity arose, he would have no hesitation in using it.