HC Deb 19 June 1941 vol 372 cc790-1
2. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Minister of Labour to what extent the Bedaux system of production has been introduced in the countries involved in the war; who are the directors of the company; is he aware that in this country agreements have been arrived at between the trade unions and organised employers providing for prices to be fixed by mutual agreement, and there is machinery to deal with cases of dispute; and is it intended to maintain these agreements and the machinery they provide?

Mr. Bevin

No recent information is available with regard to the operation of the Bedaux system in the countries involved in the war. It is understood that it was applied to a varying extent in pre-war years in individual firms in this country and in Belgium, Czecho-Slovakia, Denmark, France and Italy. In accordance with the Companies Act, lists of directors of.companies are available for inspection at the offices of the Registrar of Companies. The answers to the last two parts of the Question are in the affirmative.

Mr. Smith

Have the Government any information about this Bedaux system being imposed upon the workers in France since they lost their trade unions, and, if so, can that information be given to the' House; if the Government do not possess the information, will they make an investigation in order that they can inform the House with regard to the introduction of this system?

Mr. Bevin

I will make inquiries.