HC Deb 29 July 1941 vol 373 cc1252-3
53. Mr. Henry Strauss

asked the Minister without Portfolio what steps the Government have taken to ensure that the administration of the Restriction of Ribbon Development Act, 1935, shall proceed in conformity with long-term planning policy; and whether it was of set purpose or inadvertently that the Government omitted this Statute from their state- ment of 17th July, 1941, setting out the purpose and terms of reference of the Council of Ministers under the chairmanship of the Right Honourable Lord Reith?

Mr. Greenwood

In settling the composition and terms of reference of the Council of Ministers under the chairmanship of my noble Friend, the Government have, of course, taken into account the fact that the Town and Country Planning Act is not the only statute which relates to planning. It is, however, by far the most comprehensive Statute in this field, and its administration is already closely co-ordinated with the administration of other Acts relating to planning. The function of the Council of Ministers is to bring my noble Friend into closer association with the current administration of the main body of the planning law, and this function is accurately reflected in the Council's composition and terms of reference. My noble Friend will, however, remain in close touch with the administration of all other relevant enactments.

Mr. Strauss

Is the right hon. Gentleman of the opinion that the administration of the Restriction of Ribbon Development Act, 1935, in the past has been consistent with good planning? Is that same system to be allowed to continue?

Mr. Greenwood

I would like the hon. Gentleman to await, if he would, the new legislation on this matter, which will shortly be before the House.