HC Deb 29 July 1941 vol 373 c1230
12. Sir Waldron Smithers

asked the Secretary for Petroleum whether he will give the reasons why it is necessary to run motor boats and motor cars in order that they shall be ready for use if and when required for work of national importance?

The Secretary for Petroleum (Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd)

As I informed the hon. Member on 22nd June, there are a number of considerations of which the point he refers to is one. Unless boats and cars are maintained in service, it cannot be expected that they should be in readiness for immediate use should they be needed for work of national importance.

Sir W. Smithers

While appreciating to the full the wonderful service given at Dunkirk and elsewhere by these boats, would it not be quite sufficient if motor cars and motor boats which are not absolutely necessary were turned over for 10 or 15 minutes a week and thus kept in good running order?

Commander Sir Archibald South by

Is my hon. Friend aware that many of the people who use these motor cars and motor boats are officers and men from the Forces, home on leave and getting a little very much needed relaxation?