29. Miss Cazaletasked the Home Secretary whether he can give the number and names of the new Deputy Regional Commissioners who have recently been appointed?
§ 38. Mr. Kenneth Lindsayasked the Home Secretary how many additional Deputy Commissioners have been, appointed since nth June; and whether each region now has such a person responsible for all fire prevention and fire-fighting arrangements?
§ Mr. H. MorrisonAs the answer involves a number of names, I will, with permission, circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT the information asked for by my hon. Friends.
Miss CazaletCan my right hon. Friend say whether he has included the names of any women in the list?
§ Mr. MorrisonI have kept that point steadily in mind, but the list is not yet complete. I still should like to do so, but it is a question of finding suitable persons to do particular jobs, and the solution does not always work out that way. It has not happened yet, but I still go on hoping.
§ Mr. LindsayWould the right hon. Gentleman be good enough to answer the second part of my Question, whether each region now has a person responsible for all fire prevention and fire-fighting arrangements?
§ Mr. MorrisonYes, Sir, that is being taken care of. One of the Regional Commissioners will probably take care of the matter, because they have officers suitable for the purpose.
Viscountess AstorIf the right hon. Gentleman cannot find women who are suitable, will he not let some of us find them for him? Is it not true that unless women had protested against our not having a national fire service, we should not have it to-day? Cannot the right hon. Gentleman consider the women?
§ Mr. MorrisonI have already informed the House how the matter stands. Any suggestion the Noble Lady would care to make I would gladly consider.
§ Sir Cooper RawsonDoes the right hon. Gentleman consider that one regional commissioner is sufficient for the counties of Kent, Surrey and Sussex?
§ Following is the answer:
§ In view of the increased work falling on Regional Commissioners in respect of fire service, fire prevention measures and co-ordination of the work preparatory to and following upon heavy air attack, additional Deputy Regional Commissioners have been appointed as follow:
- 1. General Sir John Brind, K.C.B., K.B.E., C.M.G., D.S.O., North Eastern Region.
- 2.Mr. G. Dennison, Midland Region.
- 3.Mr. F. Hindle, North Western Region.
- 4. Mr. C. R. Keene, North Midland Region.
- 5. Mr. H. M. Medland, South Western Region.
- 6. Colonel C. J. Pickering, C.M.G., D.S.O., Northern Region.
- 7. Mr. H. W. Shawcross, K.C., South Eastern Region.
§ Lord Monsell was appointed a Deputy Commissioner for the Southern Region but is now acting as Regional Commissioner for the South Eastern Region during the absence through ill-health of Sir Auckland Geddes. Steps are being taken to make appointments for the Eastern Region, Southern Region and Welsh Region. The appointment of a Deputy Regional Commissioner in London is under consideration. In Scotland owing to the existence of a District organisation, no additional appointment is necessary. The division of work between the Deputy Commissioners will be within the discretion of the Regional Commissioner.