HC Deb 23 July 1941 vol 373 cc861-2
7. Colonel Gretton

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Foreign Research and Press Service, of Chatham House, is now established at Balliol College, Oxford; to what extent this service is subsidised from public funds; and for what purpose the subsidy is paid?

5. Mr. Parker

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what is the object of the Foreign Research and Press Services Review, published by Chatham House; and to what extent this work is also carried out by other Departments?

Mr. Eden

The Foreign Research and Press Service was established at the outbreak of war to provide full research and reference facilities on international questions for the use of all Government Departments, and to follow and review opinions and tendencies in the foreign Press. No other Department has a similar reservoir of published material or of experts specially trained to use it; and no other Department produces a similar Review. The Foreign Research and Press Service has drawn its library, and several of its staff and some financial help from Chatham House. It is also financially assisted by the University of Oxford; and by a grant, amounting in this year's Estimates to £53,000, from public funds.

Colonel Gretton

Have the names of this Committee been published, and where can I find them?

Mr. Eden

I am afraid I could not say without notice.

Mr. Mander

Does this body include amongst its duties the study of peace aims?

Mr. Eden

I should be glad if the hon. Member would put that Question down.

Captain McEwen

Has there recently been any increase in the staff?

Mr. Eden

As far as this body is concerned, I understand that there has been no increase.

Major-General Sir Alfred Knox

Does not this body duplicate work done in the Foreign Office?

Mr. Eden

No, it does work not only for us but also for other Departments. Its work is, of course, subject to review. I consider that it fulfils a useful function.

Mr. Bossom

Will the right hon. Gentleman include the list of names in the OFFICIAL REPORT?