HC Deb 17 July 1941 vol 373 cc722-3
29. Mr. Mander

asked the President of the Board of Education whether he is aware that a school book entitled "Adolph Hitler," published by G. G. Harrap and Company, Limited, in 1935 and composed of Nazi propaganda, is still being made use of in English schools; and whether he will take steps to see that English children are not taught by such means?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education (Mr. Ede)

As the hon. Member is no doubt aware, the choice of textbooks for use in schools is a matter for the discretion of the local education authorities and governing bodies. From such inquiries as I have been able to make, I understand that no case has come to the notice of His Majesty's inspectors in which this particular book is being used in schools under the Board's jurisdiction. If, however, the hon. Member has any particular instance in mind, I should be pleased to inquire into the circumstances.

Mr. Mander

Is the Minister aware that this book glorifies Hitler, that it was reviewed and passed by the News Censors' Bureau in Munich, that it appeared in the 1941 catalogue of the publishers, and that it is being used in some schools at the present time? Does he think it is a proper way of teaching the children of England?

Mr. Ede

With regard to the first two points contained in my hon. Friend's Question, I have taken steps to get a copy of the book, and, as I am no German scholar, to have it read to me. It certainly is not a book that should be used in English schools, and if my hon. Friend can bring to my notice any case in which it is being used in a school under the jurisdiction of the Board, we will take appropriate steps. [Hon. Members: "In any schools."] I have no power over schools which are not under the jurisdiction of the Board. I hope this Question and answer will be a sufficient indication to all persons interested in education as to the use of this book in schools in this country.

Mr. Mander

Does my hon. Friend not think it is a book which ought not to be used in any school in the country?

Mr. Ede

I have just said so as plainly as I could.