HC Deb 17 July 1941 vol 373 cc727-8
44. Mr. Thorne

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he can give any information in connection with the price to be paid for the new potatoes to the growers; and whether any restriction is being put upon the sale of small potatoes?

Major Lloyd George

The maximum prices which may be paid for new potatoes are as set out in the Schedule to the New Potatoes (Maximum Prices) Order, 1941. But in this connection I should state that it has been decided to continue the prices in force for the present week until 27th July, when the Maximum Price Schedule for new potatoes is due to expire. The conditions which must be observed on the occasion of sales of new potatoes are also set out in the Order. There is at present no Order in force which prescribes the size of potatoes of the 1941 crop that may be sold. Restrictions are in force regarding the sale of small potatoes of the old crop.

Mr. Thorne

Has the hon. and gallant Gentleman received the report that I sent him, and what does he think about it?

Mr. McGovern

Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that there was always a difference in price between large and small potatoes, and that there seems to be a tremendous lot of small potatoes being dumped on the market?

Major Lloyd George

These are the new crop. There is no restriction on that, but there is on the old.