HC Deb 17 July 1941 vol 373 cc728-9
56. Mr. David Adams

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, in view of the urgency of maintaining the availability of fried fish to the working population of this country in the present situation, he will immediately release extra supplies of fat to fish friers; and whether he is aware that fish and chip shops arc at present closed on the North-East coast several days each week through shortage of frying fat?

Major Lloyd George

While I regret to learn that fish friers on the North-East coast are compelled to close one or more days a week, I fear that owing to the supply position it is not possible at present to release extra quantities of fats to them.

Mr. Adams

In view of the great importance of this question to large numbers of industrial workers, does the Minister hope for some material improvement?

Major Lloyd George

Every possible step has been taken to improve the position, and I am very hopeful that it will be possible to give a better allocation.

Mr. Wootton-Davies

Is there not very much more fat in the country available to-day than two or three months ago?

Major Lloyd George

I would not like to answer that Question without notice, but I can say that steps are being taken in the matter, and I am hopeful that before long we shall be able to improve supplies.