HC Deb 17 July 1941 vol 373 cc718-9
20. Mr. Higgs

asked the Home Secretary whether he has now considered the literature of The British Empire Stamp Issuing House, The Constitutional Publishing Company, Allied Advertising Limited, 42, Maiden Lane, Strand, London, W.C.2; and have his inquiries satisfied him that 50 per cent. of the money collected is allocated to the national aeroplane funds, and as to what becomes of the remaining 50 per cent.?

Mr. H. Morrison

Such literature as I have seen shows that the company is offering for sale adhesive labels described as "Spitfire Fund and Empire Propaganda Stamps." Buyers of these stamps are told that 50 per cent. of the selling price is to be allocated to the Spitfire or Fighting Plane Funds, and presumably the remainder of the proceeds is treated as commercial receipts for financing the scheme. I have no information to show that there is any misrepresentation, but members of the public who wish to subscribe to aeroplane funds would, I suggest, be well advised to make their contributions directly to such funds, so that the whole of their money and not merely a part may be available for public purposes.

Mr. Higgs

Does the Minister consider that 50 per cent. of the proceeds is justified for administration expenses? Is he aware that on their literature they state that the Treasury have exempted this issue from Purchase Tax? Does he consider that statements of that description are justified, and will he take any action in the matter?

Mr. Morrison

I would not like to say whether or not, without having complete knowledge of the facts, the 50 per cent. is reasonable. In regard to the Treasury and the Minister of Aircraft Production accepting contributions, such questions should be addressed to the Ministers concerned.

Mr. Higgs

Is the Minister going to permit further funds coming into existence?

Mr. Morrison

It is not entirely a matter for me. Questions which affect the Treasury and the Ministry of Aircraft Production should be put to them.

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