HC Deb 16 July 1941 vol 373 cc579-80
18. Mr. Parker

asked the Minister of Information what action is being taken to see that Magyar opinion is mobilised against Horthy's Government?

Mr. Cooper

Magyar opinion is being kept informed of British views both on the German exploitation of Hungary and on the British war effort through broadcasts in Hungarian twice a day. These are going out on five transmitters covering short and medium wave bands. No doubt is being left in the minds of the Hungarians as to the responsibility of their Government for the part which their country is being made to play in support of German interests.

Mr. Parker

Will a special effort be made to appeal to the peasantry in Hungary, as the Hungarian Government have taken land away from the peasantry in areas, such as Transylvania, which have come back to Hungary; and is not this a very important propaganda point?

Mr. Cooper

This matter is not being lost sight of.

Mr. Sorensen

May we take it that a distinction is being made and sustained between the Hungarian Government and the Hungarian people?

Mr. Cooper

Certainly, as far as possible.

Mr. Noel-Baker

Will the Minister look into this matter again and satisfy himself that in fact the Hungarian people are being told of the way in which their Government are exploiting them for the benefit of Nazi Germany?

Mr. Cooper

I will look into the matter again, and if the hon. Member has any new facts that he would like to bring to my notice, I should be glad to have them.