HC Deb 10 July 1941 vol 373 cc294-5
20. Colonel Harold Mitchell

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that a dump of highly inflammable material is lying stored in the open in a densely populated urban area; that this was brought to his attention by the local authority concerned and by the hon. Member for Brentford and Chiswick over a year ago, and repeatedly since; and, seeing that this material could readily be stored in the country as it is not used for adjacent manufacture, will he see that it is now moved to a place of safety?

Mr. H. Morrison

Directions were given in November last by the Regional Commissioners for London requiring certain precautions to be taken in connection with this dump, but great difficulty was experienced in complying with them. These difficulties have now been overcome and rapid progress is being made in disposing of the dump.

Colonel Mitchell

Is the Minister aware that, in fact, the directions given by the Regional Commissioner have not been complied with, that the dump is not being disposed of rapidly, and that if the present rate of disposal is continued, even assuming that no more material is put in, it will be at least five months before this danger is removed?

Mr. Morrison

I am assured that that is not so, and that satisfactory progress is now being made. I believe that progress is very rapid, and I am informed that the position is satisfactory now.

Colonel Mitchell

I beg to give notice that I shall take an early opportunity of raising this matter.