HC Deb 08 July 1941 vol 373 c16
40. Sir Cooper Rawson

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is aware that a Brighton member of a certain squadron has a wife and two children in Canada who cannot receive his Air Force pay as the drafts are sent to her marked not payable out of the United Kingdom, and are cancelled within three months if not cashed; and will he now take steps to alter this system of payment, as the wife in the meantime is dependent on the charity of friends in Canada?

The Under-Secretary of State for Air (Captain Harold Balfour)

Several months before this airman enlisted in the Royal Air Force his wife and family crossed to Canada with knowledge that permission would not be given for the remission of funds for their maintenance. The man and his wife both signed the usual declaration to this effect, stating that the wife and children would be wholly maintained whilst abroad out of funds provided from Canadian sources. In the circumstances no remittance of Air Force pay or family allowance: is permissible. One postal pay draft was, however, sent to the airman's wife in error when this airman first joined the R.A.F. The position has been explained to the airman and his wife, and he has since applied for a special separation grant. This has been approved and accumulates to the credit of the airman, becoming payable on the return of his wife and family to this country or on their removal to a place within the sterling area to which remittances are allowed. As my hon. friend will be aware, these exchange restrictions are general and have been made in order to conserve our dollar resources.

Sir C. Rawson

Can my hon. and gallant Friend tell me whether the cheque which has been cancelled and is out of date will be restored to the man's credit on this side?

Captain Balfour

Yes. Sir. It will be restored in respect of the accumulating balance on this side provided that it was a payment properly due.