§ 24. Mr. Glenvil Hallasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he is aware that women ambulance drivers in the London area receive only 42s. per week plus one meal ticket during each tour of duty; and whether, as this is less than the amount paid to men doing similar work, he will bring the remuneration paid to women up to that paid to men?
§ Mr. H. MorrisonThe basic pay for women Civil Defence volunteers is the same throughout the country, and I could not agree that in the particular services where the same duties are under- 656 taken by men and women, there should be an assimilation of pay, if only because the normal working week for the whole-time women volunteer is one of 48 hours, whereas paid male Civil Defence personnel normally work a 72-hour week.
§ Mr. HallAm I to understand that my right hon. Friend is not contemplating raising these rates? Might I remind him that we were told in the House that there was a prospect of assimilating these rates?
§ Mr. MorrisonThis matter has been under discussion, and I cannot usefully add anything at this stage.