HC Deb 30 January 1941 vol 368 c651
16. Mr. Rhys Davies

asked the Minister of Labour whether his attention has been called to the complaint of the Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers Association that difficulties in conducting business among its members have been intensified because the Schedule of Reserved Occupations applies harshly to certain classes of office workers and executive; and will he take steps to remove the cause of this complaint?

Mr. Bevin

I know of no complaint from the association in question regarding the treatment of office workers and executives under the Schedule of Reserved Occupations. My hon. Friend may have in mind the objection offered by that association to the decision to raise the age of reservation for wholesale salesmen. That decision was reached after considering all relevant circumstances including its affect on the cotton textile industry. I can hold out no hope of making an exception in favour of that industry.

Mr. Davies

If I send the right hon. Gentleman this complaint which has appeared in the Press, together with documents relating to it, will he look at it?