HC Deb 29 January 1941 vol 368 cc565-6
63. Mr. Lipson

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade, as representing the Ministry of Food, whether he will state what quantity of oats is consumed by horses which take part in winter racing; and whether the present food position justifies the use for this purpose of food that might be diverted to human consumption or made into good crushed oats for cows?

Major Lloyd George

I am advised that there are about 2,300 racehorses now in training, compared with about 11,000 before the war, and that they will consume about 3,500 tons of corn per annum. The Government has not considered it necessary to prohibit racing altogether. Food supplies was one of the factors taken into account in arriving at this decision.

Mr. Lipson

Will my hon. and gallant Friend consider whether it is not desirable to prohibit winter racing in view of the food position and other considerations and will he make representations to the Home Secretary or the Government on these lines?

Sir Herbert Williams

If horses for winter racing were killed off would there be any racing in the summer?