HC Deb 29 January 1941 vol 368 cc646-7
Mr. Silkin

I beg to move, in page 6, line 15, to leave out from "hereditament," to "to," in line 17, and to insert at the instance of any party interested. The purpose of my Amendment is to widen the appeal from the narrow rights which are provided under the Clause as the Bill now stands. At present appeal is limited to one point and that is as to the value payments and it could only be at the instance of the claimant. The purpose of this Amendment is to enable any person interested to appeal to the referee. As I had occasion to say on an earlier Clause some persons will be more interested in payment than the claimant himself and any person so interested should have the right of appeal to the referee. Moreover, it should not only be a question of value payment but a question of value generally—

It being the hour appointed for the interruption of Business, the CHAIRMAN left the Chair to make his report to the House.

Committee report Progress; to sit again upon the next Sitting Day.