HC Deb 29 January 1941 vol 368 c557
41. Captain Alan Graham

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether, in view of the submarine menace, adequate steps are being taken to extend to shipping the protection afforded by scientifically carried out camouflage?

Sir V. Warrender

The position has not altered since I answered a Question by my hon. Friend the Member for the Scottish Universities (Sir J. Graham Kerr) on 17th April. While this matter is kept constantly under review, experience does not indicate that camouflage offers any measure of protection against submarine attack.

Captain Graham

Is my hon. Friend not aware that in 1917 scientifically worked-out camouflage was definitely found to be of the utmost value by the Mercantile Marine, and that the underwriters reduced premiums in consequence of the success achieved by scientific camouflage based on the two principles of counter-shading and dazzle?

Sir V. Warrender

I do not think that conditions now are quite the same as they were in 1917. I can only tell my hon. and gallant Friend that the best scientific advice at our disposal at the Admiralty has been taken.

Captain Graham

Might I, with great respect, suggest that my hon. Friend should seek further advice?

Sir V. Warrender

If my hon. and gallant Friend can suggest any further source, I shall be glad to discuss the matter with him.