HC Deb 27 February 1941 vol 369 cc613-4
25. Mrs. Tate

asked the Home Secretary where, and how, the Nazi German girl, Sophie Speilman, who came to this country in 1938 posing as a Czech refugee, having been sent from Berlin to Prague for three months especially to qualify as such, and who was registered as an enemy alien at Heswall, Cheshire, on reaching her 16th birthday, has been employed since that date up to the present time?

Mr. H. Morrison

A girl of this name, now aged 17½ years, came to this country in June, 1939, under the auspices of the British Committee for Refugees: but I know of no grounds for the suggestion that she posed as a Czech. In fact she was originally classified as a German, and when she came before the Tribunal which examined Germans she was placed in Category C. Subsequently it was ascertained that she had a Czech passport, and she was therefore reregistered as being of Czech nationality. Since her arrival in this country she: has been employed as a domestic servant. I should be glad if my hon. Friend would send me some particulars showing what are the grounds for her allegations.

Mrs. Tate

Is it not true that at present she is engaged as a domestic servant in an officer's billet, and also that she was engaged to a Nazi officer and that she has expressed her deep desire to engage on espionage work for the Nazi Government; and is her employment therefore suitable?

Mr. Morrison

I really think, if the hon. Lady had that information in her possession, she should have given it to me privately. It is the duty of citizens, let alone Members of this House, to convey such information to the Home Office. I will take note of the hon. Lady's allegations, but it would be much more useful, if Members have information against people, if they would convey it privately instead of blowing the whole thing up in public.

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