HC Deb 26 February 1941 vol 369 cc519-20
66. Mr. Rhys Davies

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food how many protests he has received against his recent announcement that it was possible for the meat ration of is. 2d. per head per week to be implemented; and how many of those protests came from persons engaged in the wholesale and retail meat trade?

Major Lloyd George

I received about 80 letters on this subject, of which approximately one-quarter were from members of the wholesale and retail trade. In each case I instituted local inquiries. Such reports as I have so far received substantiate the statement referred to by my hon. Friend. In certain instances, however, it would appear that butchers failed to avail themselves of the special reserves of canned meat provided by the Ministry to assist those traders finding themselves short on their ration towards the end of the week.

Mr. Davies

Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman's Department in touch with the local food officers? Do they convey proper information on the actual facts to the Department in London?

Major Lloyd George

Certainly, we constantly receive reports from them.

Mr. Davies

Why is it, then, that we get different answers from the hon. and gallant Gentleman for different localities?

Major Lloyd George

I do not accept that statement. When I answered a previous Question on the matter, I explained that owing to certain local circumstances there might be deficiencies in certain areas, and that where that occurred there was a reserve of tinned meat which could be drawn upon to make up the ration.

Mr. R.J. Taylor

Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that in some districts they deny that they have had any opportunity of getting canned meat to make up the ration?

Major Lloyd George

I regret it if that has been the case, but it is not our fault. Ample publicity has been given to the matter, and now that it has again been brought to our attention, we are again drawing the attention of those concerned to the availability of this reserve supply.