HC Deb 26 February 1941 vol 369 cc504-5
24. Mr. Tinker

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that many trains, owing to their excessive length, have to draw up twice at stations; and will he consider devising some scheme by which passengers for any particular station could be notified to get to a certain part of the train, and thus save the time of one draw-up?

The Minister of Transport (Lieut.-Colonel Moore-Brabazon)

In order to accommodate the passengers who present themselves, many trains have to be made up to abnormal lengths, and though the railway companies' staff endeavors to arrange that passengers are loaded into that part of the train which stops first at platforms where the whole train cannot be accommodated, it has been found impossible to ensure this in all cases, especially when all seats are occupied.

Mr. Tinker

Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman not aware that there have been many accidents in the blackout, through people getting out of that part of a train which is not drawn up at a platform? Will he endeavour to expedite steps to deal with this matter?

Lieut.-Colonel Moore-Brabazon

I drew the attention of the railway directors to Questions asked by my hon. Friend last week, but they pointed out that it is difficult to get people to move from seats once they have taken them.

Mr. G. Strauss

Is that not impossible, owing to the congestion?

Mr. R. J. Taylor

Has it not been the practice at many stations to mark certain coaches for certain places? Could that system not be extended?

Lieut. - Colonel Moore Brabazon

Measures of that sort are being carried out.

Mr. Keeling

Is my right hon. and gallant Friend aware that some railways are much better than others in this matter? Could not the bad ones be raised to the level of the good?