HC Deb 26 February 1941 vol 369 c503
22. Mr. Riley

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is in a position to make any statement regarding the banana situation in the West Indies?

Mr. George Hall

The position of banana producers in Jamaica has been safeguarded by the guarantee of a minimum return on a stated output given by His Majesty's Government last year, of which details were given in my reply to my hon. Friend, the Member for Bournemouth (Sir L. Lyle) on 4th December. The efforts of the Government of Jamaica to increase sales to the United States have already met with considerable success, thanks to the co-operation of the marketing companies concerned, and it may be hoped that these sales will further increase during the summer, when the demand is greater in Northern America. Bananas for which an export market cannot be found are being disposed of locally by sales at low prices, and to some extent by free distribution, and inquiries as to possibility of disposal in the form of banana flour or dried bananas are still proceeding.

Mr. Sorensen

Does that mean that no bananas are being destroyed?

Mr. Hall

No bananas have been destroyed.

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