HC Deb 25 February 1941 vol 369 c366
57. Mr. David Adams

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware that up to 13th instant the total supply of meat to the Consett, Lanchester and Weardale area, county Durham, equalled only 6|d. per head, when it was subsequently raised to 1s. [...]c???d., including bone and offal; and, as the workers in these areas are largely in the heavy industries and considerable discontent prevails, are immediate steps being taken to raise the supply to 1s. 2d. per head?

Major Lloyd George

The meat ration is on a weekly basis, and the first figures quoted by my hon. Friend refer only to a few days' supply. For the week ending 15th February the amount of carcase meat and offals issued to the butchers buying groups for Consett and Lanchester was 74.9 per cent of their buying permits, which are on a basis of 1s. 6d., and 72 per cent. in the case of Crook and Willington, Tow Law and Weardale. These percentages are equivalent to 1s. 1½d. and 1s. 1d. respectively. Total issues of this amount in relation to a 1s. 2d. ration should normally be sufficient to meet the legitimate requirements of registered customers.

Mr. Adams

Do I understand from that Answer that the Minister is disputing the figure that I have given to him, and that we are now to have the 1s. 2d.?

Major Lloyd George

No, Sir, I am not disputing the figure; I am only disputing the basis on which the hon. Gentleman has made his calculation. I am referring to the week which commenced 15th February, and the figures which I have given for that week are the figures which in fact meet the requirements.

Mr. Adams

All that I can say on the subject, Mr. Speaker, is that the Minister is misinformed.