HC Deb 18 February 1941 vol 369 cc25-6
45. Mr. Pickthorn

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he can now make a statement on the Treasury grant-in-aid to the universities and colleges during the coming financial year?

Sir K. Wood

Yes, Sir. The House will recall that, in view of the vital part played by the universities in the life of the community, the importance of maintaining as far as possible the standards of university education, and the essential contribution which the universities were making in a variety of ways towards the national effort, it was decided to maintain the provision for the current year at the same level as that in 1939, namely £ 2,149,000. These considerations have lost none of their force, and, despite the increasing strain on the national finances, the Government, after considering a report from the University Grants Committee, have reached the conclusion that if the universities are to continue their present contribution to the national effort, the provision for 1941 must be maintained at the existing level. They earnestly hope that local authorities will take similar action.

Mr. Woodburn

Since the universities are to receive considerable amounts of public money, will steps be taken to implement the Prime Minister's hopes that universities will be made available to all members of the public and not confined to any one section?