HC Deb 18 February 1941 vol 369 cc18-9
31. Mr. Thurtle

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that many air-raid precautions wardens are without helmets and respirators; and whether he can give an assurance that all possible steps are being taken to make good these deficiencies without delay?

Mr. Mabane

In a number of places, where volunteers have come forward in excess of the originally estimated requirements of the area, there have been complaints of shortages of these articles of personal protective equipment. I hope, however, that, in the near future, all wardens recognised as regular and effective may have a personal issue of these articles where they have not been already issued with them.

Mr. Thurtle

Is the Minister aware that this complaint is general and that this most excellent body of men is discouraged by a feeling of neglect; and will he therefore do everything he can to urge forward these supplies?

Mr. Mabane

I would not say the complaint is general. In almost every case issues have been made up to the limit of the original establishment. The complaints arise when volunteers are in excess of these establishments.

Mr. Denville

What does the Minister mean by "the near future"? Does he mean next week, the week after, next year or the next war?

Mr. Mabane

Perhaps a month or so.

Sir Francis Fremantle

Is not the Home Guard very much more important?