HC Deb 13 February 1941 vol 368 c1511
16. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware of the extreme urgency of the need to increase the benefits payable under the National Health Insurance, in particular, sickness, maternity and disablement benefits; by what amounts it is intended to increase the benefits; and can he make a statement on the matter in view of the urgency?

14. Mr. Collindridge

asked the Minister of Health when it is proposed to give to the House a report of the examination that Government Departments have been making into health insurance and associated questions referred to in his speech on 17th October, 1940?

21. Mr. Oliver

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware of the hardship suffered by persons in receipt of disablement benefit paid under the provisions of the National Health Insurance Acts by reason of the increase in the cost of living; and whether he will consider increasing the benefit, as has been the case in many other benefits and allowances as a result of war-time conditions?

Mr. E. Brown

While I am not as yet in a position to make a statement on this subject, I hope to do so soon.