HC Deb 13 February 1941 vol 368 c1502
64. Captain Cunningham-Reid

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been drawn to a commodity which it is claimed will extinguish incendiary bombs more quickly and efficaciously than sand, which is being sold in the London stores; and whether this commodity has been tested by, and has the approval of, the Home Office?

Mr. Mabane

The Department's technical advisers have carried out tests on many special preparations for dealing with incendiary bombs, but the claims about their value have been found on investigation to be exaggerated. If my hon. Friend will let me have particulars of the preparation he has in mind, I shall be able to confirm whether it has already been tested.

Captain Cunningham-Reid

Is my hon. Friend not aware that I have already indicated to his Department the name of the substance? In view of the fact that it is being sold very largely by Woolworth's stores all over the country, is it advisable that the public should be putting their reliance in a substance which possibly, when it comes to the point, may not have the effect of putting out incendiary bombs or the fires caused by such bombs?

Mr. Mabane

I assumed that the hon. Member was referring to another substance.

Mr. G. Strauss

Is it not desirable that there should be some Government statement for the approval or condemnation of all these patent things which may mean the difference between the burning down of a house or the saving of life?

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