§ 22. Mr. G. Macdonald (for Mr. David Adams)asked the Minister of Transport whether he has a statement to make as to the allegations and proposals of the Motor Agents Association, recently made to him relative to the maintenance and repair of commercial and other road vehicles used in civil transport?
§ 23. Colonel Harold Mitchellasked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that great difficulty is being experienced in obtaining spare parts for motor-cars resulting in damaged vehicles frequently lying out of use for many months; and whether he can take any steps to expedite the supply of spa re parts?
§ The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport (Mr. Montague)My right hon. Friend has arranged with my right hon. Friend the Minister of Supply that civil requirements shall be co-ordinated with service requirements. The new arrangements are now being worked out in detail, and they will expedite the provision of civilian spares.