HC Deb 05 February 1941 vol 368 c943
59. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Home Secretary whether internees returned from the Dominions to this country are given a period of leave before commencing military or other duties or pending further consideration of their case; and whether he will consider granting free travelling passes to them for this purpose?

The Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Peake)

Those internees brought back from the Dominions to this country who are not released on arrival at the port remain in custody until their release is authorised either on actual enlistment or for other purposes. On release their fares are paid to their destinations.

Mr. Wedgwood

Is it impossible to let these people have seven days' leave to see their people?

Mr. Peake

There is a Question on the Paper for a later date dealing with that.

Mr. Graham White

Where are these returned aliens held in custody?