§ 42. Mr. Pearsonasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the total amount of taxes recovered by court proceedings, or otherwise, from Purchase Tax evaders since the introduction of the Purchase Tax; and what is the number of prosecutions to the nearest convenient date.
§ Sir K. WoodBy 9th December there had been 93 Purchase Tax prosecutions, of which 29 related to the more serious 1815 aspects of evasion and fraud, and 64 for failure to make returns by the due date. These 29 cases involved nearly £40,000 in tax and cost the offenders in fines alone over £12,000. In addition, nine of the offenders were sent to prison for from three to eighteen months. About 300 other special cases have been dealt with otherwise than by prosecution, resulting in the recovery of nearly £150,000. This, of course, is in addition to the day-to-day treatment of a large number of cases relating to late payment of tax and the like, involving considerable sums of money.
§ Mr. PearsonIn view of the large amounts involved, will my right hon. Friend see that the section of his staff which is dealing with this matter is kept up to full strength?
§ Sir K. WoodYes, Sir.