HC Deb 16 December 1941 vol 376 cc1813-4
40. Mr. Messer

asked the Lord President of the Council what are the name and the age of the secretary of the Industrial Health Research Board and what other appointments he holds; how many full-time investigators there are on the staff of the Board; how many possess medical qualifications; and what are their names and qualifications?

The Lord President of the Council (Sir John Anderson)

The Secretary of the Industrial Health Research Board is Sir David Munro, who is 63 years of age. He is at present giving part of his time to the Ministry of Supply as Chief Medical Adviser, but in, view of that a senior member of the Board's investigating staff is acting as joint secretary. There are 13 full-time investigators, whose names and qualifications I shall circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT. None of these is medically qualified.

Mr. Messer

Does the right hon. Gentleman not think that this important post ought to be a full-time job, especially in view of the fact that it was so during the last war?

Sir J. Anderson

Normally it is a full-time job, but, as I have explained, Sir David Munro is giving much needed help in the Ministry of Supply, and so far as his time is not available to the Industrial Health Research Board, the gap is filled by the temporary appointment of a senior member of the staff.

Mr. Messer

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of the grave dismay with which the public have received the report of the British Medical Association that not fewer than 32,000,000 weeks are lost each year by industrial workers through preventible illnesses?

Sir J. Anderson

I must point out that the Industrial Health Research Board is not primarily concerned with industrial disease, but with such matters as industrial fatigue and the like.

Mr. Messer


Following are the names:

Whole-time Investigators of the Industrial Health Research Board: T. Bedford, D.Sc.; Ph.D.; R. G. Chambers, M.A.; F. A. Chrenko; W. M. Dawson, B.Sc.; E. Farmer, M.A.; Miss Alice Heim, M.A., Ph.D.; D. E. R. Hughes, B.Sc.; R. Marriott, B.Sc.; Miss May Smith, D.Sc.; F. G. L. Stock; C. G. Warner, B.Sc., Ph.D.; H. C. Weston, M.J.I.E.; and S. Wyatt, D.Sc.